Have you Heard about the 3 Anti-inflammatory Drugs against COVID-19?

Introduction In every problem, there is a solution. The wonderful news is that there are three anti-inflammatory drugs to help in solving the COVID-19 crisis. There is a novel trial conducted by an extraordinary multinational partnership to find life-saving COVID-19 treatments. It is called the Solidarity PLUS. The Solidarity PLUS The World Health Organization is … Read more

Sick from COVID-19 virus? Here is what to Expect

The common fear about COVID-19 is the Delta variant. It has fast transmission but it is less fatal than other variants. How true is this? The Delta variant recently filled the global news as it posed a more significant threat of being highly transmissible even to those vaccinated. There are no firm studies that say … Read more

How Dangerous is the Delta Variant?

As of this writing, the COVID-19 variants have already branched out into multiple classifications. Some of the most common active viral mutations today are the Alpha (B.1.1.7), Gamma (P.1), Beta (B.1.351), and Delta (B.1.617.2). Like any type of virus, SARS-CoV-2, which is the virus that causes coronavirus disease (COVID-19), constantly changes over time. These changes … Read more

Is your Butter an Obesity Health Risk?

Introduction You probably heard of the old Filipino joke that butter is bad for you because it is “mantikilya” (meant to kill ya). Some butter has trans fatty acid (TFA) and this can cause obesity. However, obesity is not all about food. Obesity is also a result of other factors like lifestyle. This focus on … Read more

Sugar, Salt and Ex-President Noynoy

Introduction The whole nation was shocked by the death of the fifteenth President of the Philippines. The former President Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino III died of End-Stage Renal Disease, as a complication from diabetes. How informed are we about Diabetes and End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD)? How informed are we about diabetes and end stage renal disease? … Read more

What is Hybrid Coronavirus?

Introduction Combined variants of SARS-CoV2, the culprit virus for COVID-19 illness, are now increasing in numbers in terms of their infection rates from person to person, and are rapidly circulating in different countries such as United Kingdom, US – California, India and Vietnam. These new variants arising can cause possible inflation of detrimental health risks … Read more

If You Fear Injections, You Might Have Trypanophobia

Introduction Fear of needles seem to be innate in childhood but as we age, conquering most of our fears particularly in needles are usually settled and eventually subside. However, the blood tests and injections are methods to obtain hematologic data, vaccinations and medication administrations respectively. The only way to properly execute it in a sterile … Read more

World No Tobacco Day: Tobacco, Cigarette or Marijuana?

Introduction Smoking cessation is a demanding task particularly for the habitual smokers. It requires consistent motivation, self-discipline and health awareness as a gentle reminder to keep back on track. According to the World Health Organization, around 780 million of worldwide population shared sentiments that they want to quit, but only 30% have accessible tools and … Read more

Facts about Seasonal Depression

Introduction Does rainy season make you sad? It might be seasonal depression. Seasonal depression is a type of depression, also known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD), which usually occurs in the winter and at times, during summer. Based on the Diagnostic Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), this condition falls under classification of Major Depressive Disorder … Read more

Birth Control and Pandemic Babies

Introduction Do you still remember watching the babies doing the close-open or singing Twinkle Twinkle? Now that the world has locked down, making the babies learn and develop can be simple. We can make low cost activities to follow the baby’s lead in naming objects, reading, eating and health habits. Speaking of health habits… Babies’ … Read more